Eventlink® Tickets & Passes
Eventlink simplifies your ticket and season pass sales! Your school’s events are right there in Eventlink, so no need for extra data entry. When you use Eventlink Sites, your tickets are automatically displayed. Sharing your tickets with opponents is only one-click. If your opponent is an Eventlink user, your ticket will be displayed on their site too. Customizing your tickets is easy! With Eventlink’s custom ticket pools, we accommodate all ticketing scenarios so you can offer home, visitor, student, and senior tickets at a price that works best for your school. Do you need to cancel an event? You have the ability to cancel an event and choose whether or not you would like to refund tickets for that event. How about your ticket set up? You get to choose how to set up your tickets: scan, self-validation, or both. If you choose to scan your tickets, you can use any camera enabled iOS or Android device with the Eventlink app to scan tickets. It cuts the need for expensive scanners! If you do not want to scan tickets, choose self-validation. BONUS: Our ticket fees are notably lower than others at less than a dollar per ticket! It’s time to go hassle-free with Eventlink Tickets & Passes!
Available in the Basic Package
Available in the Full Package
- Zero setup fees and no cost to the school
- No expensive scanners needed - use the Eventlink app
- Lowest ticket fees - less than $1

“Eventlink Tickets has moved us into the modern day. Allowing credit card sales and pre-sale tickets is the biggest game changer - fast and easy to use. We train our workers in less than 5 minutes on game nights.”